Posted by : Unknown Friday 24 May 2013



  • After enabling subscribing option go to fbautoliker (NEW) or and get your access token by clicking on 'click here' on the site's homepage.

(click on the image to enlarge)

  • After you click on 'click here' you might be asked to allow permissions to a facebook application. After installing copy the url of that page which is your Access Token, it will be like


  • Copy it and paste on the box provided in Likehoot homepage and click submit.

(click on the image to enlarge)

  • Wait for the next page to load with some subscribe buttons. Subscribe any one there and click submit button. (Subscribing is not compulsory)

(click on the image to enlarge)

  • Next page you get will be having your 5 recent updates with a subscribe button corresponding to each. Click on the submit button of your update for which you need hooping likes.

(click on the image to enlarge)

  • Most probably after doing this you may be asked to login to your facebook account again. This doesn't happen all the time. Its good if it happens so.


  • Allowing subscribers is important.
  • Wait for each page to load completely.
  • Don't click on submit button more than once.
  • This auto liking trick works just by utilizing the access token others submit on this site.
  • Do the submitting process as fast as you can because the site may provide you auto likes till your access token does not expire (Expiry period ~3mins).
  • Make use of this before fbautoliker likelo gets into the blacklist of facebook
  If NOT Works Please Comment below>>>

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