Posted by : Unknown Monday 3 December 2012

Math Magic / Number fun / Maths Tricks

Trick 1: 2's trick
Step1: Think of a number .
Step2: Multiply it by 3.
Step3: Add 6 with the getting result.
Step4: divide it by 3.
Step5: Subtract it from the first number used.


Trick 2: Any Number
Step1: Think of any number.
Step2: Double the number.
Step3: Add 9 with result.
Step4: sub 3 with the result.
Step5: Divide the result by 2.
Step6: Subtract the number with the number with first number started with.

Answer: 3

Trick 3: Any three digit Number
Step1:Add 7 to it.
Step2:Multiply the number with 2.
Step3:subtract 4 with the result.
Step4: Divide the result by 2.
Step5:Subtract it from the number started with.

Answer: 5

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